Friday, September 30, 2011

Crucible Blog Post 2

Protor tells Hale that he believes in witches in order to protect himself. Would you do the same ?

I would like to think that I would stand up for myself when if I come across a situation but I feel that is the consequences are severe than I would give in. Sometimes, you cannot prove your innocence. As in Salem, there was no way to prove that you were not associated with the Devil because there was no way of proving that you have a normal Christian life.  Maybe if more people of Salem got together to prove how ridiculous the evidence against them was, it would have a greater effect on the town. Instead, they were afraid to speak up and defend each other for the fear that it would draw attention to them.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Crucible Post 1

How is the balance of power shifted?

In Act 1, the power shifted from the very beginning of the story.  In the beginning of the book, we are led to believe that Parris, the minister has all the power in Salem. But gradually we learn that a scandalous tale of witchcraft has shifted the power to the most unlikely group of people.

In the beginning of the book, Parris the power hungry minister seems to have all of the power. He doesn't have an interest in children and seems to neglect his daughter Betty. When Betty falls ill and it is suspected to be witchcraft, he is more worried about what the town will think of this. He doesn't want to lose the position that he has. We also learn that there are other people that hold power. Rebecca Nurse is a respected person in the Salem and also has a reputation in other towns. Mr. Putnam grudges the many people of the town.

The power shifts to the group of girls who confess that they acted upon the spell of a witch. The town easily believes them and common sense is quickly forgotten. Abigail the leader of this group uses her position to her advantage. She manipulates the girls to get what she wants, which is to be John Proctor's wife.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sinners Follow Up Post

"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" was a very powerful sermon written by Johnathon Edwards in 1741. It frightened many people with it's vivid images of how angry God was at them as quoted below.  

"The bow of God's wrath is bent, and the arrow is made ready on the string, and justice bends the arrow at your hear, and strains the bow, it is nothing but the mere pleasure of God, and that of an angry God, without any promise or obligation at all, that keeps the arrow one moment from being made drunk with your blood." (pg. 97-98)

It's no surprise that this sermon sparked the Great Awakening. I believe that it would effect people today. Some people do not practice their religion very strictly. A sermon like this would certainly intimidate them into practicing it more. It could be confusing to people to see this other perspective of what God is like. Some people might try to make their religion a bigger part of their lives. For others who half-heartily follow a religion, it could act like a wake up call and show that God sees your actions and these are the consequences.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" Post

This video is about a sermon written by Jonathon Edwards on July 8th, 1741. This sermon  was very important to American literature . It sparked the Great Awakening. Edwards wanted people to learn to pray and not take for granted what they had. It changed the way the colonists practiced Christianity. The sermon was so powerful that it is said that  Edwards was never forgiven by New England. People looked at Edwards as “stern and loveless mind” but his close friends and family claimed that he had a loving personality.
I believe that this sermon is full of metaphors trying to convince people not to take God for granted. Edwards was trying to preach to people how to get to salvation. He must have been very passionate when writing this sermon because it sparked the Great Awakening. I think the sermon must have sparked some fear in people about where they would go at end of their life. Some of the colonists must have led very tough lives, and it would scare them to think that they may not go to heaven. I believe that Edwards must have preached about praying more and making God a part of your everyday life.

Descriptive Post

The picture I have choosen is of violent lightening. It depicts many zig-zags of lightning each in a different color. They are so powerful that the sky is in hues of pink. Each lightning strike takes it's own path. No one strike looks like the other. The bottom of the picture shows a black city. It is being struck in many different places. Each point show an explosion of color from the magnitude of the strike . The clouds look soft, but they are unleashing an electricity storm.  The picture gives you a feeling of terror but at the same time you can't help but notice its beauty.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

How To Be Successful In Honors American Lit.

Honors American Literature students should be hard-working, organized, and creative in order to be a successful student.

First of all, a student that is dedicated to doing well in class can accomplish anything they set their mind too. If the student struggles with a project or assignment, they will have the mindset to finish the task well. This contributes to the success of a student because they have the ability to finish homework on time. They believe that the work that they have is of great quality and something that they are proud off. A hard-working student will take the time to read what they are assigned even if they have to rearrange their schedule. A hard-working student isn't lazy. They may not be passionate about what they have to do, but they care about doing it well.

In addition,  a student that is organized will be strong in what they choose to do. Being organized allows them to plan out enough time to finish assignments with the best of their work. They know how to balance their time with their activities. The success of a student builds because they can organize their plans so that every responsibility of theirs is taken care off. That student will end up with less pressure on them to complete things and more time to enjoy the day. This is skill can make the pressures of life less of a burden.

Furthermore, a student that is creative can help a student become more accomplished.  Creativity allows a student to see a simpler solution a problem. They have the ability to think outside of a box. They can imagine things that can bring a new perspective. It could be another point of view in a persuasive essay. A student may have a different idea that can have a different effect on the reader. This skill can benefit a student because they will stand out of a crowd. It brings something new to the readers eyes. It's a change from the same pieces of writing that are read everyday.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

About Me

Hey, I'm Shivangi!  Welcome to my blog!

I am 15 years and I am in 10th grade. My best friend is Nicole. she also has a blog on here. This is her blog, check it out! My other best friend is Allison, she's not in this class because she is lame but we do sports together. I play basketball in the winter and softball in the spring.

I have one brother, Kartik, who is 1 year old than me. I don't really know what else to say but we're opposites. Like completely! The only pets I used to have were many fishies and 3 parakeets. I had 2 at first and they were best friends. but one of them flew away so I got another one to keep mine complany. They weren't exactly tight. Sadly, they both flew away at the beginning of 8th grade, and I have not had another pet since.

My favorite musical artist is OneRepublic. I really want to see them in a concert. I have most of their songs on my 4 year old iPod. Even though it's really old, I can't replace it. I guess I just like carrying a brick around instead of an iTouch. As for other bands/artists that I like, they would be Coldplay & Taylor Swift

Well... what else would you like to know about me? My favorite thing to drink is water. It's kind of weird but this summer, I only drank pop 4 times. It's just not healthy for ya. As for my favorite food, haha that would pretty much be anything I guess. I don't really eat meat that much and I dislike seafood.

A couple of favorite T.V shows are The Office, Parks & Rec, AWKWARD. & probably some sort of cooking/baking show. I also enjoy watching some shows on USA network like White Collar or Covert Affairs. If I don't feel like watching TV, I like to go on the computer, mainly Tumblr which I spend (waste) lots of time on. There's so much interesting things on there, it's almost a blog but it's easier to post anything you want. I have a lot of Harry Potter, funny stuff, and photography on my dashboard. I also don't know where to include this, but I love to travel & I'm hopefully going to travel everywhere and explore. A little cheesy.. I know.

So now you have some quick facts about me! (: