Thursday, September 22, 2011

Crucible Post 1

How is the balance of power shifted?

In Act 1, the power shifted from the very beginning of the story.  In the beginning of the book, we are led to believe that Parris, the minister has all the power in Salem. But gradually we learn that a scandalous tale of witchcraft has shifted the power to the most unlikely group of people.

In the beginning of the book, Parris the power hungry minister seems to have all of the power. He doesn't have an interest in children and seems to neglect his daughter Betty. When Betty falls ill and it is suspected to be witchcraft, he is more worried about what the town will think of this. He doesn't want to lose the position that he has. We also learn that there are other people that hold power. Rebecca Nurse is a respected person in the Salem and also has a reputation in other towns. Mr. Putnam grudges the many people of the town.

The power shifts to the group of girls who confess that they acted upon the spell of a witch. The town easily believes them and common sense is quickly forgotten. Abigail the leader of this group uses her position to her advantage. She manipulates the girls to get what she wants, which is to be John Proctor's wife.

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