Wednesday, September 7, 2011

About Me

Hey, I'm Shivangi!  Welcome to my blog!

I am 15 years and I am in 10th grade. My best friend is Nicole. she also has a blog on here. This is her blog, check it out! My other best friend is Allison, she's not in this class because she is lame but we do sports together. I play basketball in the winter and softball in the spring.

I have one brother, Kartik, who is 1 year old than me. I don't really know what else to say but we're opposites. Like completely! The only pets I used to have were many fishies and 3 parakeets. I had 2 at first and they were best friends. but one of them flew away so I got another one to keep mine complany. They weren't exactly tight. Sadly, they both flew away at the beginning of 8th grade, and I have not had another pet since.

My favorite musical artist is OneRepublic. I really want to see them in a concert. I have most of their songs on my 4 year old iPod. Even though it's really old, I can't replace it. I guess I just like carrying a brick around instead of an iTouch. As for other bands/artists that I like, they would be Coldplay & Taylor Swift

Well... what else would you like to know about me? My favorite thing to drink is water. It's kind of weird but this summer, I only drank pop 4 times. It's just not healthy for ya. As for my favorite food, haha that would pretty much be anything I guess. I don't really eat meat that much and I dislike seafood.

A couple of favorite T.V shows are The Office, Parks & Rec, AWKWARD. & probably some sort of cooking/baking show. I also enjoy watching some shows on USA network like White Collar or Covert Affairs. If I don't feel like watching TV, I like to go on the computer, mainly Tumblr which I spend (waste) lots of time on. There's so much interesting things on there, it's almost a blog but it's easier to post anything you want. I have a lot of Harry Potter, funny stuff, and photography on my dashboard. I also don't know where to include this, but I love to travel & I'm hopefully going to travel everywhere and explore. A little cheesy.. I know.

So now you have some quick facts about me! (:

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