Sunday, October 9, 2011

Crucible Essay

Essay Topic: What 3 characters do you think are the most responsible for the witch trials?

The book The Crucible by Arthur Miller takes place in the religious town of Salem. This is where the famous witch trials occurred. The town followed their Puritan religion very strictly and looked down upon those who did not. The town's distress of the devil drove out any sign of common sense. Of all the characters, there were some that were more responsible for the outcome of the book. Abigail Williams for example controlled the courts through the power shifts of the town. She was the leader of a group of girls that claimed witchcraft when they were found in the forest dancing and attempting to conjure sprits. John Proctor's affair with Abigail ended with Abigail wanting more. John sent out mixed signals that encouraged Abby to try and pursue him. Judge Danforth who ruled the case had to ability to end the trials when it got out of control, but instead decided not to, in order to save his reputation. The three characters who are most responsible for the witch trials are John Proctor, Mary Warren, and Abigail Williams.

In the beginning of the book, the reader learns that John Proctor had an affair with Abigail Williams. Although he had ended their relationship with her, he still had feelings for. John said to her that he still thinks about her, but he will never go back to the affair that they had before. He said to her in private, "Abby, I may think of you softly from time to time. But I will cut off my hand before I'll ever reach for you again. Wipe it out of mind. We never touched, Abby" (23). This quote shows how John Proctor gave her false hope that they could be together. Abby, when hearing this might have thought that they still had a chance to be together. John Proctor was at fault for the witch trial because Abby cried out that his wife Elizabeth Proctor was a witch, so that she could take her place. Abby had a very cunning mind, because she thought that the only way that she could be with John Proctor, was if Elizabeth was an option. As a result, Abby and the girls took this opportunity to accuse other people of the town of witchcraft.

Lastly, Abigail Williams had the biggest impact on the outcome of the witch trials. She acted in her own self interest and had no guilt in taking the lives of the people of her town. She is under the illusion that if Elizabeth Proctor is dead, than she can become John's wife. When John comes to visit her to try and convince her to call off the trial, she says it's for the better that his wife dies saying, "Oh, John, I will make you such a wife when the world is white again! You will be amazed to see me every day, a light of heaven in your house..." (150)Abby believes that this is their future even if John didn't agree with them. She got the support of the younger girls and together they had a bigger impact on the court. It was a belief that true Christians did not lie, and nobody would believe that the girls could make up such a tale.

Furthermore, the judges of the witch trial had a large impact on the outcome of the trials because they made the final decision. Judge Danforth came to the town with a lot of pride in him. He was one of the best judges in the province and ruled in many cases. In the beginning of the book, the judgment is based off of Abby's testimony. This was normal for the minds in the late 1600's and could be used as evidence. However, as the book progresses, when Judge Danforth was presented with evidence that could clear the name of the accused, he refused to take it into account. Judge Danforth says to Parris, "You misunderstand, sir; I cannot pardon these when twelve are already hanged for the same crime. It is not just." (129). Danforth understands that he has made a mistake, but it would not be fair to the ones who have been hanged if others have been pardoned. It would be an injustice on his part and he knows it. So instead of admitting that he had made a mistake, he went forward with his judgment to save his pride and reputation.

In conclusion, the characters that were most responsible for the witch trials are John Proctor, Abigail Williams, and Judge Danforth. Abigail and Danforth both had their self interest in mind throughout the story. Abby brought innocent people into trouble and Danforth decided their faith. John Proctor had to deal with the consequences of his actions.  The trials could have been easily prevented but nobody wanted to be held responsible.

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