Monday, October 24, 2011

Declaration of Student Rights

Every student is entitled to a certain set of rights. These basic rights are the outline for what a free public education should be, and how it should be managed. Each student should be treated with respect, by their peers and by the staff. This ensures that they hold their right to feel comfortable at school. A student has the right to feel safe in their learning environment. At no time should they feel threatened, or concerned for their well-being. It is the responsibility of the school system to support that right to safety. Concerning academics, every student has the right to equal opportunities. It is a student’s right to have a variety of classes offered to ensure the success for every student of every academic ability. No student should be feel discriminated against because of their capabilities. If a student feels that any of their rights are being violated, they should be able to express their feelings on the situation. As students, we believe that these rights are the structure for a strong and just educational system.

i. Our lunches are only 35 minutes long. A small portion of time compared to how long our classes are. It doesn’t give us enough time to eat a balanced lunch. We as students need longer lunches so we have enough time to eat and have a little time to finish school related duties. If a student has a full schedule during and after school, it limits when they can go and talk to their teachers or counselors. Our lunch time starts directly after class ends and does not count the amount of time that it takes to go to our lockers.

ii. When the weather gets severe, we are still forced to go to school. The students are required to be at school regardless of the weather. Sometimes their teachers aren’t even present. We are a walking district so it puts us at a greater risk as we travel to school. The schools that surround us get plenty of snow days but we are not given the same opportunity.

iii. The school dictates how we should dress, but it limits our free expression. In the warmer seasons, it is uncomfortable to wear proper clothes pertaining to the dress code. It is ironic that some sports have uniforms that violate the dress code but they wear them in spirit anyway. Our dress code is not taken very seriously to some, and it is unfair to the students that have stricter teachers who watch what they wear.

iv. Students are given 7 minutes after each class to get to their classes. For some, it can be difficult to manage this. Some students have to walk from one end of the building to another. Managing how to do this along with stopping at their lockers to trade book can be a tricky task. Furthermore, with the quantity of students walking in the hallways, the crowds move slowly. Navigating through the hallways is a challenge of its own.

v. School rules declare that a student may only have 10 unexcused absences in each class in order to still have credit. If a student takes more than 6 minutes to arrive in class, they are marked absence for that class hour. Even if that student is there for the remainder of the class, they receive no credit. It can be difficult for parents to plan vacations too, because sometimes the tickets available are the most expensive of them all.

vi. Our school looks upon sports with high respect, and teaches that sports are valuable for the continuation of our knowledge throughout the future. The current fee for each sport per season if $150. This price is an unreasonably amount when a student may play more than 1 sport per year. Equipment and transportation enough is excessive in the way that it is valued. Having to pay the large fee per season as well as the equipment is an unreasonable action from our school. We, as students deserve to have a less expensive fee to play a sport throughout the seasons.

vii. Clinics are not available for the students here. If someone feels sick or gets hurt, they are forced to wait in the office. They receive n treatment or medication until one of their parents comes to pick them up. This could take a while because of the parent’s responsibilities. It is unsafe and unhealthy for our school not to have a clinic.

viii. Some of the buildings in our school are not supplied with adequate air conditioning. The school can get extremely hot at the beginning and end of the year. There is no air conditioning in the main building so hot temperatures cannot be cooled down. The heat keeps teachers and students uncomfortable. It makes it difficult to work as it if hard to focus in the warmth. The lack of air conditioning in the main building is detrimental to the student’s education.

ix. The Grosse Pointe Public School District is labeled as a walking district. Therefore, every day, either we must walk to school, ride our bikes, or arrange for a ride with our parents or friends. This is common problem because Michigan is a state with severe weather, causing harsh winters and freak storms. On the days where most bus transported schools have the days off, like for snow days, we not given the same opportunities, even with the dangers of the weather severity. Days where the bitter air dips below 0, is where a line should be drawn. School should not be session during days where the snow and ice cause an inability to walk or drive, without a precautious danger. Without having buses, our fellow walking peers are put into more danger than they would have, if our school provided buses. We, as students, need this way of transportation for a safer, easier way of attending school everyday.

x. We, as students, should be looked upon equally. We should deserve the same opportunities as our peers, regardless of their age or grade. As grow, we are given the decisions of driving to school, and the S-Lot of school is reserved for the seniors only. It is a great, safe parking lot, whereas the other parking places may need to be paid by hour and may be unsafe towards the cars occupying the area. We should be allowed, as an entire school, to have a first come, first serve basis on the parking spots in the S-Lot, not just giving them away to the Seniors. We, as students, deserve the equal treatment whether we are Freshman, or Seniors.

We, as the students in the Grosse Pointe Public School District, unanimously declare that each and every student should be relieved the erratic rules that govern our schools. It is prominent that the complaints we have are appropriate. They make our educational experience transition smoothly. Allowing the lunch hour to be relatively longer, a higher amount of snow days and better public transportation, equal treatment to all the classes, a comfortable working environment, and many other requests are extremely reasonable and go towards making the learning environment of our school so much more agreeable to our everyday lives. Organized together, we as students release our demands to the dictation of our school district. United, all schools under one power are faced with these problems everyday and seek the rectitude for a safe, improved environment. Not addressing these requests will lead to the petitioning and violation of our student rights. As students, we deserve the proper abilities to be granted a way to learn in a safe environment with these agreeable requirements.

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